How to use Gmail to send email with Authlogics Authentication Server

The Authlogics Authentication server requires an SMTP Server to be configured to send emails and security tokens to end-users. For testing purposes, an administrator can use Google Gmail SMTP server for email delivery. This KB article details how to set up Gmail SMTPs servers in Authlogics Authentication Server.

Step 1 - Setup a Google Account

Create a Google account at

Once you have created a Gmail account, in the Security settings, within Less secure app access set Allow less secure apps access to On for this account.

This control is accessible through Settings – Accounts and Import – Other Google Account settings-Security


Step 2 - Configure the Authlogics SMTP settings

Once your Gmail account has been created and configured, the Gmail SMTP server can be used for sending emails. On the SMTP Delivery tab, use the following Gmail server settings for the Email delivery options:

SMTP Server
Port 587
Use SSL/TLS Encryption True


In Email authentication options select Specify Credentials and add the username and password for the Google account created in Step 1:


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