The Authlogics Self Service portal can be customised to look and behave in a way that meets the requirements of your organisation.
There are two levels of customisation that can be applied:
- Changes can be made to values contained in the web.config file which configures display text, logo paths and resource URLs.
- The site styling and behaviour can also be changed by modifying the custom.css and custom.js files. Changes applied via custom.css take effect on the login.aspx page and the default.aspx.
(1) Customisations via the web.config file
By default, the web.config file for the Self Service Portal is located in the installation folder at C:\Program Files\Authlogics Authentication Server\wwwroot. This can be edited using any text editor such as notepad.exe. Once changes are made to the file, the site should be restarted in IIS or using IISReset from the command line.
Note: Changes to this file WILL be overwritten by future software updates. A backup should be kept before installing any updates.
The file contains the following configurable properties located in the <appsettings> section of the file.
Key | Description |
Title | Changes the title text that appears in the tab or title area for the browser. This text is also used by default when people store bookmarks to the site. |
DisplayText | Modify the text that is displayed at the top of the default page. |
LogoPath | A relative or absolute URL to a logo image to be displayed on the default page. The logo should be no greater than 300x100 pixels. |
UserGuideUrl | A relative or absolute URL to the user guide for the website. |
(2) Modifying the Self Service Portal using custom CSS and JavaScript
To make more complicated changes to the Self Service portal you can modify the custom.css and custom.js files located in the /Assets/css and /Assets/js folders of the website.
Note: Changes to these TWO files will NOT be overwritten by future software updates.
Changes made via these files are not supported through any Authlogics Support Agreement. It is recommended that changes made to these files are performed by qualified web developers only.
Modifications to the styling of the login.aspx and default.aspx pages can be made via updates to the custom.css file. File changes are applied as soon as any browser cache is cleared and the web page is reloaded.
For instance, to add a logo to the login page only as a background image, that appears on non-mobile devices, add the following css to the custom.css file:
@media (min-width: 768px) {
.login-page {
background: url('/Assets/img/logo-grey-transparent.png') 50px 50px no-repeat;
background-size: 123px;
For behaviour changes, including changes that can modify the markup on the default.aspx page, developers can add custom javascript/jQuery via the custom.js file. For example, to disable the input textbox and save button for mobile/cellular number entry, as well as change the text of the label that appears above the input, use the following code:
$(document).ready(function () {
$('#btnMobilePhoneSave, #txtMobileNumber').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
$('label[for="txtMobileNumber"').text("Cellular Number");
Please Note: Disabling the save button does not prevent users with an understanding of browser/server communication from modifying the mobile number by submitting an HTTP request to the server. Modifications such as this should be done for cosmetic reasons only and can not limit the functionality that may be provided via the endpoints used by the server to communicate with the browser.